The Quick Easy door sign combines the unique frame of the Easy Frame with the clever mechanism of our Quick Click Original. The elegant, rounded frame is mitered, guaranteeing a stylish finish on each side. The upper frame can be removed as a profile, allowing you to slide the 1.5 mm thick non-glare plexiglas upward to change the insert module. This sign impresses with its smooth elegance and hidden practicality.
Material: natural anodized aluminum
Plexiglas: 1.5 mm non-glare
Insert change: remove from above
Vandalism protection: not possible
Vacant/occupied indicator: non-integrable (see special signs for stand-alone vacant/occupied indicators)
+41 55 612 44 40
formerly Kubli Feinmechanik AG
Infonorm Inc.
4820 Joslyn Rd.
Lake Orion,
MI-48359, USA