One particularly eye-catching feature of the Quick Click Line is the simple, mitered frame made of natural anodized aluminum on all four sides. These signs come with 1.5 mm thick non-glare plexiglas as standard, guaranteeing a clear view and optimum protection. Selected models are also available with PVC film instead of plexiglas, while all signs come with the option of vandalism protection. There is a choice of opening mechanisms for the signs in the Quick Click Line, but all signs look the same on the outside.
It’s easy to change the insert in the Quick Click Original sign – thanks to a profile that can be removed to create an opening at the top of the frame. This practical solution combines high functionality with a modern, elegant design. The Quick Click Original sign is also available with a 0.5 mm thick non-glare PVC film.
Material: natural anodized aluminum
Plexiglas: 1.5 mm non-glare
PVC option: 0.5 mm non-glare
Insert change: remove from top
Vandalism protection: possible
Vacant/occupied indicator: integrable
One particularly eye-catching feature of the Quick Click Line is the simple, mitered frame made of natural anodized aluminum on all four sides. These signs come with 1.5 mm thick non-glare plexiglas as standard, guaranteeing a clear view and optimum protection. Selected models are also available with PVC film instead of plexiglas, while all signs come with the option of vandalism protection. There is a choice of opening mechanisms for the signs in the Quick Click Line, but all signs look the same on the outside.
The Quick Click Smart Line sign impresses with its innovative opening mechanism, enabling quick and easy changing of the insert. Simply slide and tilt the frame to detach the entire backplate. This is done from the front of the sign, making access possible even when space is tight. The Quick Click Smart Line therefore combines ease of use with aesthetic appeal. It is also available with a 0.5 mm thick non-glare PVC film.
Material: natural anodized aluminum
Plexiglas: 1.5 mm non-glare
PVC option: 0.5 mm non-glare
Insert change: from front
Vandalism protection: possible
Vacant/occupied indicator: non-integrable (see special signs for stand-alone vacant/occupied indicators)
One particularly eye-catching feature of the Quick Click Line is the simple, mitered frame made of natural anodized aluminum on all four sides. These signs come with 1.5 mm thick non-glare plexiglas as standard, guaranteeing a clear view and optimum protection. Selected models are also available with PVC film instead of plexiglas, while all signs come with the option of vandalism protection. There is a choice of opening mechanisms for the signs in the Quick Click Line, but all signs look the same on the outside.
One outstanding feature of the Quick Click Fast Change sign is its innovative opening mechanism that lets you slide and remove the plexiglas from the front using a suction cup. This method makes it quick and easy to change the insert without having to remove the frame. In addition, this ingenious mechanism automatically provides indirect vandalism protection. The combination of practical design and ease of use makes the Quick Click Fast Change sign the ideal solution if the insert needs changing frequently.
Material: natural anodized aluminum
Plexiglas: 1.5 mm non-glare
PVC option: not possible
Insert change: from front
Vandalism protection: no additional protection possible
Vacant/occupied indicator: non-integrable (see special signs for stand-alone vacant/occupied indicators)
+41 55 612 44 40
formerly Kubli Feinmechanik AG
Infonorm Inc.
4820 Joslyn Rd.
Lake Orion,
MI-48359, USA